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About Us

In 2005, The brand founder Jian start setup a trading company, at that period, he working so hard and everyday stay with the computer. then it's very easy to hurt his health.  his mum keep pushing him go to sports, after one time sports, he feel so great no matter the body or emotions. This make him have one idea to make a brand "KESPOR",  Combine "Keep" + "Sport".  and setup the company goal to Keep Sports Fun.

At Kespor, we’re working to build a sustainable future based on a core belief that the bicycle-the ultimate high efficiency vehicle-is central to that vision. Every action we take can be traced to this single, simple foundation.

We build bikes with an eye to changing the world. Or at least the way that folks get around. Our bikes bring together all the things people need to drive less and drive more.

So what are you waiting for? Unfold an adventure and enjoy the ride!